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AI powered renter database.
Find a Renter
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How it works
No marketing, no email inquiries, no scams, no screening.
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Upcoming vacancy
RentSimple adapts to your schedule, whether you're leasing on short notice or planning in advance.
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Search our renters
Takes less than 60 seconds to find a suitable prequalified renter using our database.
All our renters have verified employment.
Search hundreds of renters across BC.
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Contact suitable candidates
Save time and effort by sending invitations to apply or view the unit to one or multiple renters simultaneously.
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Schedule showings
Customize your viewing schedule with windows that align perfectly with your availability.
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Accept application
Select a renter that is the best fit for your property and seamlessly convert their RentSimple profile into a lease.
Built by Renters, we are a dedicated team focused on simplifying the rental process. Our mission is to be the best in the world at finding renters viable housing.

If you have any questions, please reach out to